Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar PV

With solar panel systems surging in the UK, we thought it a good time to educate you on the advantages and disadvantages of solar PV.

Solar panels can be very beneficial for your home, and have the ability to provide you with many advantages. Their main benefit is that they can help you to reduce your reliance on the National Grid, and reduce the amount you spend on your energy bills.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar PV

Is solar power really worth the investment? Can they provide many benefits for your home?


  • They can noticeably decrease your energy bills – they can lower them to a point in which you don’t need to worry about your utility bills!
  • By reducing your dependence on fossil fuels, you can help the environment to spring back to health – and help bring about an end to climate change.
  • Solar PV systems only require daylight to be effective and produce electricity (contrary to popular belief) – this means that they even work in the UK when it is cloudy!
  • Solar panels are much cheaper than they used to be, and more effective than they used to be.
  • You don’t need to carry out loads of maintenance. With a solar PV system, you will not need to keep doing maintenance – especially in the UK, as we don’t often get heavy snowfall.

Disadvantages Of Solar Energy:

  • You need to make sure that you have adequate roof space to host your solar panels. If not, they might not be as effective. You also need to make sure that you angle your panels correctly, so that they gain the most daylight.
  • Some ways to harness solar energy can be more on the expensive side, and some designs and types can be a lot to pay out for. There are, however, incentives and grants that can help you to pay for them.

A Summary Of The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar PV

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. However, we believe that the pros greatly outweigh the cons, and that getting a solar PV system for your home or property is a great idea!

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Either way, contact us today!